10 jokes about gingers to tell your friends about

Jokes for Funny
3 min readMar 12, 2021


Humans over time developed its humor so much that now we have jokes about everything. Thus, today you are going to see the funniest jokes about redheads or gingers, as they are called. If you are a ginger, you may hear at least one joke about you, but don’t get offensive, because some of them are actually funny. Also, these jokes should be seen as comedy and the intention is not to upset anyone.

What do you need to know about redheads?

Redheads or gingers are very rare, just 2% of the human population exist on this planet, so if you are one, I think you’re pretty unique.

The pigment of their skin and hair comes from a mutation in a gene called MC1R. A phobia about redheads appeared, because of their existence and it’s called gingerphobia.

Maybe this is why they started to make jokes about them, but in my opinion they are amazing and each one of them is beautiful.

Source: www.jokesforfunny.com/ginger-jokes/

10 jokes about gingers that will make your day

  • As a ginger, what I miss the most at parties is the invitation.
  • My brother asked his redhead sister:

“Where are you going so fancy?”

Her: “I was asked out on a date.”

My brother: “By the devil?”

  • Two men look confused in a mall. One asked him another: “What are you looking for?”

The other man answer: “I’m looking for my wife”

“Me too” says the other.

“How does your wife look?”

“Mine is redhead, she has freckles and white skin…”

“My wife is blonde with green eyes.”

“Well, let’s find yours then!”

  • If you are looking for a woman to love and care for you, don’t marry a redhead.
  • Why do most women dye their hair red after a breakup? They want to remain single forever.
  • What gingers wear at a Halloween party? Nothing, they are scary without a costume.
  • Jack to his mom:

“Mom, why was I adopted ?”

“Oh, sweetheart. Your family didn’t want you.

“Why?” ask the child.

“You were the single ginger in their family.”

  • A guy to a redhead girl: “If you were the only woman on the planet, I’d better remain alone.”
  • How is it called the child that is made by a ginger and an afro?

A gingerbread with chocolate freckles.

  • “Why don’t you never come with us to the beach?”

“I can’t stand the sun…”


“Really? The fact that I’m a ginger says a lot.”

Do you have ginger friends?

If yes, well these jokes must be said to them, because they will instantly laugh at them.

Most of the gingers don’t get offended by these types of jokes and some of them use auto irony as a tool to make people realize, that they are not different, just because their hair and skin are different.

There can be hundreds of jokes and if you didn’t read them by now, you should! Get your dose of humor with more ginger jokes and don’t forget to tell others about it!

